New Game Page

This is one of many development progress posts for ESTATE OF THE LATE – a “spookie” supernatural-themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that we’re developing!

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

The Game Page has now been updated to feature a better, well-rounded presentation and description of what the game will be about.


A lot more creative choices have solidified since the last update so we feel a lot more confident to officially lay down more definitive character bios and aspects about the project.
The title “ESTATE OF THE LATE” has also now been made official. We even acquired the URL which currently only re-directs to this site – One day we’ll move it to its own site.


A lot of the focus is on the characters. There is even new NSFW content if you hover over the girls with your mouse.

The updates have been sparse on this page, but for subscribers they happen on almost weekly basis. Now that the game is nearing the end of pre-production and entering proper production, expect more public posts in the near future.


Angelica’s Test Animation

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

[Right Click here and “Save Link As…” to Download the Video]

Voicework by Aaimz Tako

Background Music – “Ice” by 25miles2compton

This was mainly a test to see if I could speed up my animation process with the help of Blender by creating janky physics rigs to assist me with cloth and hair.

The experiment turned out to be a success! In exchange for spending extra time to create each of these character rigs, this has allowed me to trim off about half of the workload for each individual shot. This will be very important for my game project which will have a set number of characters that will have these kinds of sex scenes. This should allow me to add a lot more quantity of this type of animated content!

The background music is supposed to sound something like K1d Rock. The game is set in 1999, so at a time of the MTV era a character like Angelica would probably really vibe with his “Devil Without A Cause” style and think that it’s “literally me”.

Concept Scenes 59-61

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

When you got no more clothes to lose, it becomes a game of dare or dare.

Mainly, this is just a sequel of the previous post for promotional and fanservice reasons.

However, I do wish to use this as a reference to explain that I really want the characters to feel somewhat like a realistic friend group of young people that are also just set in a “porn universe”. The blowjob is supposed to be like a stand-in for something smaller like a kiss that Elodie was dared to do once she ran out of clothing to lose.

I also wish to illustrate that from all the characters she has a crush on Daniel (Player) early on, however, the player is still expected to work towards her since there is a language barrier (She’s French) and she’s very shy.

Also, as it is a “porn universe”, it’s okay to play group sex games, but smoking (indoors) is not cool.

Concept Scenes 58-59

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

Games you play with your paren1s and games that you play with friends.

This was mainly drawn to spitball and depict more possible activities that could be implemented in the game for side content that makes sense to be in the world. Also, board and card games just seem pretty straightforward to systemize for a computer game.

It doesn’t have to be Monopoly, but I imagine board games would be something that the m0ms would be more interested in playing while they boomer it up with m0m jokes. I’m also still leaning on the theme of French girls being proactive and not missing a chance to warm up to the matriarchs of the “witch coven” so this would be another good opportunity for them.

Strip poker is just a more obvious pick to implement in a porn game.

Concept Scenes 56-57

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

Angelica: “Hey, …which one should I aim at – Number 1 or 2?”

Went back to guns to try to illustrate another type of objective for the player that should be closer to the game’s main mechanics – conflict resolution.

Unlike the minigame thing, I want talking with characters to be a big part of the game’s identity, so obstacles involving character conflicts sound like something that at least will involve going back and forth between them as a gameplay mechanic, but maybe there will be an element of picking sides or a clever way of appeasing both sides.

When it comes to this conflict in particular, I don’t want it to just be about Billi going feral because she got shot in the ass once, even though she can tank alligator bites. I would like this to be something that has been building up in the background and she gets tired of the disrespect. Then Angelica could threaten her tell on her and have her sent back to hell, but Billi in the heat of the moment would make a case that Angelica will inevitably end up in hell too, which would pull on Angelica’s strings and scare her a lot.

By the way, I slightly regret how I decided to depict the last panel. If I were to do it again, I would redraw Billi tackling Angelica down to the ground and mean-mugging her as she clicks the empty gun against her head as a sign of dominance instead of it looking like she explicitly tried to blow her brains out. If this dynamic gets implemented in the game, that’s closer to how it will play out.

Concept Scene 55

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

This is more of a fun cute fanservice post for promotional purposes, but I did also drew it to enforce the point that all 4 girls mainly pair in 2 friend groups that are very touchy-feely and bi-sexual to various degrees (this is for a porn game after all).

Concept Scene 52-54

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]



…aaaand that’s where they got the doe.

The point of these new pics is to introduce some more potential hobbies and activities that can be gamified into smaller mini-games for actual gameplay. The idea is that the performance in these types of “activities” would trickle down to “impression points” for specific girls, thus unlocking more porn content later in the game for the respective girls.

Shooting might be the most time-tested game mechanic, so this is how I tried to integrate it naturally into the narrative, worldbuilding and characters..

I of course also drew this because I wanted to expand more on the characters.
Firstly, I wanted to show that Anglican would not miss an opportunity to flex her 2nd Amendment toys on her new freedom-impaired European friends.

Suzette would easily meet Angie’s expectations since even tho she is a nosferatu, she is a 60’s born urban socialite French lady.

However, as soft of a soul as she is, Elodie comes from a gypsy werewolf clan that in modern times operates as something between hired thugs/killers/mercenaries. They were even too hard for her, which is why Elodie separated from them and left with Suzette, but she’s still familiar with firearms enough to quickly adapt to even an old American TommyGun.

Speaking about guns, I hope to also have quite a bit of gun porn sprinkled around the estate in the game’s environment.
The covenant will be very gun-friendly. Which is why they would have an overgrown gun range in their backyard at least as an another rich people home attraction.

…btw the firearms in these drawings are .45 caliber Thompson M1928A1 and S&W Model 22

Concept Scene 49-51

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

With this set of concept drawings, I wanted to make a visual reference to how their “classes” would play out and the possible hijinx that could happen in them.

I see it as a big deal because Raina’s courses are the main plot device that gives a practical reason why are both Daniel and the French girls present in the estate – in those classes Rainah shares exclusive rediscovered Ancient Egyptian necromancy techniques mixed with new technologies that help one come back from the dead and make undead thralls. Those courses are available to anyone “in the know” (maybe that’s what I’ll call the secret society of supernatural in my universe).

However, for Rainah it’s really just a vanity project and a social event so that she finally could have someone to share her creepy hobby with. Which is why she gets so excited and sloppy when making her presentations.

Also, minor detail is that the scarab serves a significant technical role in reviving the dead within the “Egyptian technique”. In IRL scarabs were put in the place of the heart to help the dead “cheat the gods” by using it as a scapegoat for their sins (if I understood it right), in my world they are used to magically supplement the vascular system if there is no functional heart or blood in the undead body.

The other 2 pages are mainly there as a reminder that this is a NSFW porn game and that the doe at least did come back to life.
I’ll circle back to the doe in a future concept art post.

Concept Scene 46-48

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

Truly, a devil in disguise.


…I hope you’re into clowns.

I wanted to draw this just to show Suzette (and later Elodie) to be more proactive characters rather than guests who just passively react to what Angelica and Dorothy do. So, I originally planned for 2 pages, but then I got hit with the clown idea since Billi was already halfway there. Maybe expect an alt clown skin for Billi (not actually, but I hope to implement this look in a side narrative or something).

Billi again steals the spotlight, but I will later come back to Elodie and Suzette to show that they have a proactive role – they wish to to be accepted into “the covenant”.
They too desire to make a bargain with Babi (mainly Suzette, Elodie just codependently tags along). Suzette’s makeup kit should allude to what she wants to bargain for – she doesn’t like being an “ugly Nosferatu”.

Concept Art 15/01/2024

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

Here you can look around the room yourself! (however, there is no sound)

This concept scene takes place in the room…

This post has been coming along bit by bit.
Originally the environment was made for the “Game night” concept scene comic, because at this point I want to be a lot more concrete with environments and backgrounds in my concept scene sketches.
Then naturally the environment art became an exercise in displaying the personalities of it’s inhabitants.

Both these Panoramas cover one big room that belongs to Angelica and Dorothy that is divided into 3 parts.


Angelica’s side of the Room

I consciously made her side of the room more packed with stuff – she’s definitely is a material girl and a general theme of hers is her values toward “external” stuff that can give her power.

Therefore, while she is into magic, I am also trying to illustrate how the quickly growing technology of the 90’s was starting to seem like it’s own type of “magic”. Especially if you are rich and can afford the latest and greatest hardware and software at the time.

She is also a dork. The whole shelf right of her PC is filled with media – 90’s Strategy games and Point-and-clickers. I hope to maybe have a scene where if you prompt her about her collection of media, you can get her to start gushing about the games that she likes and that are coming up.


Dorothy’s side of the Room.

She is the more humble one. She is a lot more inwardly focused. So most of the stuff she has is about self-development and not instant gratification. Her interests mainly reside in 2 directions – Art and Fitness (to a point where it seems as if she made up of 2 different people).

When it comes to fitness, she is heavily into calisthenics, because she loves maximizing the freedom that her body can do, which is why she has that pullup rack and rope outside her window (that I’ve featured two times in concept drawings) which allows her to B-line straight outside to the river with the alligators.

When it comes to art she likes her 90’s nu-metal (this universe’s analog for bands like Tool and NIN). Her Room is filled with posters, but I’ll fill them out later. I hope to get some help in making parody versions of IRL nu-metal bands. She does also try to create in the realm of Music, which is why she has a whole guitar set. However, a big theme about her artistic pursuits is that she is not good at them. I would like the estate’s environment to have a lot of signs of her older artistic pursuits like paintings and sculptures that she herself cringes to look at.


Middle part of the room

…is where they do stuff together, like watch TV , play video games and have had sex at least once.

I gave them a console that would be older even for 1999 (an equivalent to SNES). My reasoning is that Angelica would have embraced being part of the PC master race, while for Dorothy that would have made it seem like video games have gotten too sophisticated for her to enjoyment.


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