Concept Scenes 59-61

This is one of many concept art posts for a “spookie” supernatural themed NSFW Visual Novel Game that I’m planning on doing!
The game’s current working title is ESTATE OF THE LATE

[You can Click Here to view rest of my Game Updates]

When you got no more clothes to lose, it becomes a game of dare or dare.

Mainly, this is just a sequel of the previous post for promotional and fanservice reasons.

However, I do wish to use this as a reference to explain that I really want the characters to feel somewhat like a realistic friend group of young people that are also just set in a “porn universe”. The blowjob is supposed to be like a stand-in for something smaller like a kiss that Elodie was dared to do once she ran out of clothing to lose.

I also wish to illustrate that from all the characters she has a crush on Daniel (Player) early on, however, the player is still expected to work towards her since there is a language barrier (She’s French) and she’s very shy.

Also, as it is a “porn universe”, it’s okay to play group sex games, but smoking (indoors) is not cool.

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